Hardening Process and Tempering Process
Hardening and Tempering is mainly carried out on material high carbon steel and alloy steel such as DIN steel grade ck45,
ck50, ck55, ck60, ck67, ck70, ck75, ck95, 1095, c100s high carbon steel and alloy steel 51crv4, 50crv4, 75cr1, d6a etc. Under
this treatment, the steel are obtain some mechanical properties, suitable for further treatment like stamping process, or bending
process etc. Steels passing through hardening oven, are heat treated to the appropriated hardening temperature between 750-
950°C, then passing through quenching oven with lower temperature, the steels are cooled rapidly in oil or water to get the final
mechanical properties and relieves stress.
Top 6 Hardened And Tempered Steel Strip Manufacturer
Guangzhou Cgood Steel Co., Ltd
Hardening & Temperering benefit
Hardening and Tempering develops mechanical properties of hardness, strength, durability, toughness, elasticity and stability in
steels, which are very important in component application engineering.